Don’t wait to register for events! Classes require 10 people to be held.

If you want to make sure you don’t miss a program, contact our office at 205-926-
4310 and tell us the program you are interested in, along with your email address
and phone number, we will contact you when the date, time and location are set!

Bibb County Extension is also happy to provide programs to your school, business,
civic, church, or non-profit organization! Most of our programs are free and we
welcome everyone!

Thank you for your continued support of Bibb County Extension Programs!

In Person Events
The Gardens of Downton Abbey – Lunch & Learn
Monday, March 4, Noon-1PM
BMC Wellness Center 285 Hospital Drive, Centreville
Join us for a presentation on the Gardens of Downton Abbey! Learn where the
garden shots of Downton Abbey filmed? How are the gardens laid out? What grows
there? The details of the gardens will be shared by June Mays who spent an entire
morning roaming the gardens by herself and taking pictures to share with you.
These gardens are lush, colorful, and vibrant. You will love seeing them and will
take home ideas for your own garden! FREE! Class is limited to 20 people!
Please pre-register by calling the Bibb Extension Office at 205-926-4310.
Bring your lunch and join us!

Growing and Cooking with Herbs – Lunch & Learn
Monday, March 18, Noon – 1pm
BMC Wellness Center 285 Hospital Drive, Centreville
Join us to learn more about why fresh herbs are better for flavor and health, learn
about the top 10 herbs: how to grow them, what parts of the plant should you use,
what foods the individual herbs compliment, what other herbs they pair with and
other tips on how to use them. We will finish with regional blends from around the
world! Class is limited to 20 people! Please pre-register by calling the Bibb Extension Office at 205-926-4310. Bring your lunch and join us!


Designing with Native Plants – Lunch & Learn
Monday, April 1st Noon-1pm
BMC Wellness Center 285 Hospital Drive, Centreville
An exciting account of how to design a garden using native plants. You will learn
how to strengthen the sense of place and transition naturally from your current
landscape to one rich with native plants. Learn the best native plants for spring and
for fall. Discover how to replace invasive exotics, stabilize eroded areas, create
privacy, provide nectar and landing spots for butterflies, birds, and bees, by using
repetition, rhythm, size, and color. Learn how to create surprises in your garden and
how to create, enhance, or block views. Discover new nativars and where to get
them. Learn to think like a designer! Class is limited to 20 people! Pre-register
by contacting Bibb Extension at 205-926-4310. Bring your lunch and join

Container Gardening – Lunch and Learn
Monday, April 15th, Noon-1pm
BMC Wellness Center 285 Hospital Drive, Centreville
Container gardens are great for just a few vegetables on your patio or because
arthritis in knees and back have prevented you from inground gardening. Class is
limited to 20 people! Pre-register by contacting Bibb Extension at 205-926-4310. Bring your lunch and join us!

Square Foot Gardening – Lunch & Learn
Monday, April 29th Noon – 1pm
BMC Wellness Center 285 Hospital Drive, Centreville
Would you like to grow more vegetables with less work? Are you limited on space?
Square foot gardening divides the growing area into small square sections. The
number of plants per square depends on an individual plant’s size. Densely planted
crops form a living mulch and can help prevent weeds from establishing and plant

disease from spreading easily. Certified Square Foot and Master Gardener Henry
Lucas will teach this great course! Class is limited to 20 people! Pre-register
by contacting Bibb Extension at 205-926-4310. Bring your lunch and join

Low Maintenance Gardening- Lunch & Learn
Monday, May 6th Noon-1pm – FREE!
BMC Wellness Center 285 Hospital Drive, Centreville
Most people hiring a garden designer ask for a low maintenance garden. Some don’t
have the budget. Some don’t have the time. Some have trouble getting and keeping
good help. Some have other things to do (like full-time jobs). Some just don’t like
gardening! If you would like a few tips to reduce the maintenance in your garden,
you will enjoy this program. You will go home with many ideas of plants that require
very little maintenance. You may even get inspired to redesign your own garden for
lower maintenance! Class is limited to 20 people! Pre-register by contacting
Bibb Extension at 205-926-4310 or online at
Bring your lunch and join us!

Pruning Trees and Shrubs
Thursday, May 16th, 10:30am-12:30pm FREE!
Brierfield Historic Ironworks Park, 245 Furnace Parkway Brierfield
Pruning removes unwanted growth to make a plant develop faster or respond in a
desired manner. Appropriate pruning can produce more blooms and fruit, reinvigorate growth, develop the desired shape, or remove diseased and damaged
parts. Learn the appropriate time of year and techniques to prune your trees and
shrubs! Pre-register by contacting Bibb Extension at 205-926-4310.
Online Classes

Business Model Canvas
Wednesday, March 6, 12:00-1:00pm
The Business Model Canvas is an interactive business tool that can be completed in
one sitting and adjusted multiple times no matter the stage of your business. It
teaches business owners how to define their business by its “Value Proposition”,
identify the correct customer segments, what activities and resources are most
important and how to keep revenues above costs. This single course does expand
into our 4-part series “Business Building Blocks”. To register

Filing for Success
April 9th-18th Noon – 1pm,
Session 1: Different levels (City, County Federal) of taxes in which businesses
are responsible. Different types of “Business Formation” and whether to file
for a LLC. How to keep detailed financial records on costs & revenue.
Session 2: “The rules for name registration”. Walk you through the Secretary
of State website and how to complete a name registration for your business.
Difference between a LLC and a Sole Proprietorship. Next steps after filing
and SCAMS to look for along the way.
Session 3: Business banking & Insurance. Importance of keeping personal
and business finances separate, building a relationship with a lender &
banker and proper record keeping techniques and software. Finally, business
insurance: What are the different types and cost?
Session 4: Necessary licenses and permits, at all levels, for your business.

VCLLI Cybersecurity for Seniors
Tuesday, March 12th 10am-11am
This webinar is geared towards helping seniors stay safe from hacking, phishing,
and scams. Learn how to keep your data safe and identify possible threats.

The Best Turkey Season Ever Webinar
Tuesday, March 12th 6:30 pm on ZOOM
This webinar is designed to benefit turkey hunters of all ages and has been helping
hunters prepare for the last four years. Topics include environment, equipment,
rules and regulations, preparation, and mounting. Presenters include Alabama
Extension wildlife professionals and Alabama Department of Conservation and
Natural Resources wildlife and freshwater fisheries professionals. Participants
must register online to be able to attend the webinar. Upon registering, a
Zoom meeting number and link will be provided. Register by visiting

Alabama Smart Yards FREE!
Wednesdays, 1:00 pm
Register required at
If you have questions about your yard or garden, this is the perfect way to get those
questions answered! Throughout the year, the team will provide weekly, 30-minute
segments on common gardening information, home pests, fruits, vegetables,
wildlife, and much more. These live webinars are held every Wednesday, starting at
1pm for Smart Yard You can email questions and pictures to which will be answered on the show.
March 6 — Alternatives to Crape Myrtles in the Landscape
March 13 — Rainscaping Your Yard to Protect Water Quality
March 20 — Why Did My Plant Die?
March 27 — Owning a Private Well in Alabama and Reporting Drought
Conditions in Your Yard

Alabama Money Podcast
Listen at
The Alabama Cooperative Extension System’s human sciences team is excited to
launch the Alabama Money Podcast! Learn about Money Saving Tips such as how to
save money on energy costs. Join us weekly or catch up on the podcast you missed!

Farming Basics – FREE
Register online at
Alabama Farming Basics online course provides basic self-paced training related to
horticultural crop production, organic farming and sustainable agriculture,
integrated pest management, marketing, and food safety.

4-H Community Clubs are FREE and open to all Bibb County youth ages 9-18. Youth ages 5-8 are
welcome with an adult present. Adults are welcomed to apply to volunteer, contact
Simon Carbone at 205-340-1159. You must provide your own transportation to
club meetings. Water and snacks are provided. First time participants must pre-
register by calling the Bibb County Extension Office at 205-926-4310.

Summer Camp Registration is open! –
Teen Camp – May 29-31, Ages 14-18 years old. Openings are limited!
You must have turned 14 on January 1, 2024 or before. $175 per student.
Contact Simon Carbone at 205-340-1159.
Ages 9-13 years old. June 24-26th at the Alabama 4-H Camp in
Columbiana! You must have turned 9 years old on January 1, 2024 or before.
$175 per student. Contact Simon Carbone at 205-340-1159.

Chick Chain Registration is Open!
The 4-H Chick Chain Project teaches young people recommended management
practices for growing and raising chickens. Participation will help youth
develop poultry management skills, learn to produce healthy chickens,
develop awareness of business management, develop record-keeping skills
(income and expenses), contribute to your home food supply, and realize the
pride of accomplishment. Before receiving your chicks, you and a parent will
attend a mandatory training session. At this meeting you will receive valuable information to assist you in preparing for and raising your pullets. You also will
be given the designated Extension office site and date for acquiring your
chicks. Any young person ages 9-18 as of January 1, 2024 can participate.
Contact the Bibb Extension Office 205-926-4310 to sign up!

Forestry & Wildlife Club – The 4-H Forestry program helps youth to gain a strong
understanding of trees, forest management, and environmental issues. It also
provides hands on learning experiences that helps individuals develop skills to
become better managers of forested land. The program is available to all youth,
ages 8-18. Meetings will take place at a variety of locations in Bibb County. Club
members will also prepare for the State 4-H Forestry and Wildlife Contests in
Summer 2024!

Homeschool Club – Open to all Bibb County youth ages 5—18. Meetings are the
last Wednesday of each month at 1:00pm. Topics include rocketry, arts & crafts,
STEM and more!

To stay up to date on all Bibb County Extension Programs and Activities,
subscribe to our online Bibb County eNewsletter at .

Alabama Cooperative Extension System (Alabama A&M University and Auburn University) is committed to affirmative action, equal opportunity, and the diversity of its workforce. Educational programs serve all people regardless of race, color, national origin, age, disability, sex, gender identity, marital status, family/parental status, religion, sexual orientation, political beliefs, reprisal, or because all or a part of an individual’s income is derived from any public assistance program.