An Open Letter to Those Who Must Litter

(This article reflects the opinions of the writer and not The Centreville Press.) After spending two days with my fellow volunteers picking up trash off...

Inside the Statehouse: 2023 Observations and Accolades

By Steve Flowers I know we are in a new year, but allow me to look back into 2023 and share with you some observations...

Inside the Statehouse: Roger Bedford Remembered

By Steve Flowers As is my custom, my yearend column is devoted to acknowledging meaningful Alabama political leaders who passed away during the year....

Inside the Statehouse: Senator Katie Britt’s Amazing First Year

By Steve Flowers As Christmas approaches, Alabama’s new senator, Katie Britt, prepares to mark one year in office. Those of us who have known her...

Rightside Way: Good Sports

By former State Senator Phil Williams Sports has always brought out a fevered pitch reaction from fans. Sporting events create great memories, great lessons, and...

Some Assembly Required

As we approach Christmas, I would like to send a heartfelt wish of good luck to all of you parents out there with young...

Rightside Way: Alabama…..A Nanny State?

By former State Senator Phil Williams I fully accept that government has a role. By design government is intended to provide essential services needed for...

Inside the Statehouse: Lister Hill, One of Alabama Greatest U.S. Senators

By Steve Flowers We had a very distinguished congressional delegation from Alabama during the 30-year span of 1934-1964.  The congressmen from the Heart of Dixie...

The Battle Over School Prayer

We may hear a candidate or seated politician proclaim that they will “get prayer back into our public schools.” They fail to recognize how...

Inside the Statehouse: Career Politicians, Good or Bad?

By Steve Flowers In recent years, candidates for political office have lambasted, run against and proclaimed that they were not career politicians.  Every television ad...