Rightside Way: Alabama…..A Nanny State?
By former State Senator Phil Williams
I fully accept that government has a role. By design government is intended to provide essential services needed for...
Inside the Statehouse: Lister Hill, One of Alabama Greatest U.S. Senators
By Steve Flowers
We had a very distinguished congressional delegation from Alabama during the 30-year span of 1934-1964. The congressmen from the Heart of Dixie...
The Battle Over School Prayer
We may hear a candidate or seated politician proclaim that they will “get prayer back into our public schools.” They fail to recognize how...
Inside the Statehouse: Career Politicians, Good or Bad?
By Steve Flowers
In recent years, candidates for political office have lambasted, run against and proclaimed that they were not career politicians. Every television ad...
Rightside Way: Something for Nothing
By former State Senator Phil Williams
I don’t want to brag or anything but back in the day I was one smooth operator. On one...
Problems Around the World Remind us of Thanksgiving Blessings Right Here...
By Paul DeMarco
The American tradition of Thanksgiving is special for a lot of reasons. The opportunity to celebrate our blessings with our family and...
Inside the Statehouse: 60th Anniversary of President John F. Kennedy’s Assassination
By Steve Flowers
The assassination of John F. Kennedy happened 60 years ago this week. It occurred to me that a good many of you...
Rightside Way: Fallacious, Salacious and Downright Contumacious
By former State Senator Phil Williams
Recently the Israeli ambassador to the United Nations appeared at an emergency session of the UN Security Council and...
Inside the Statehouse: Negative Ads Work and Always Have
By Steve Flowers
Over the years many of you have lamented to me and said, “I am so tired of seeing all negative ads with...
ICYMI—Tuberville: Let’s Make Daylight Saving Time Permanent
Press Release
WASHINGTON – Last week, U.S. Senator Tommy Tuberville (R-AL) delivered remarks on the Senate floor about the Sunshine Protection Act, a bill to make Daylight...