Centreville receives 11th Tree City Recognition | Presents Tree City flag for 11 year recognition. LtoR: Linda Lawrence, Dianne Epperson, Joel Naron, Katie Wiswall, Mike Oakley, Mike Nichols, Brad Colburn

Mayor Mike Oakley called the meeting to order at five o’clock.  Dianne Epperson opened with prayer followed by the Pledge of Allegiance led by Brad Colburn. 

Roll Call: 

Mike Oakley 5:00 

Mike Nichols 5:00 

Dianne Epperson 5:00 

Linda Lawrence 5:00 

Don Mack 5:10 

A motion to approve the minutes was made (Nichols) and seconded (Epperson).  Motion carried. 

Katie Wiswall, RF & Arborist Urban & Community Forestry Partnership Coordinator Alabama Forestry Commission, presented the City with the Tree City Designation for the 11th year.  A flag will be sent to the city every year to be flown at City Hall. 

Mayor Oakley said he made a phone call to the pallet plant owner and advised that the area must be cleaned up immediately or other action would be forthcoming. He was advised that the land where the building burned behind the old VFW has been purchased and will be used for pallet storage/holding.  

Dan Martin (Roy Martin’s son) will be contacted to address the council. (Environmental and recycling advice). 

A sign has been ordered for the front door of City Hall alerting those with Pacemakers. 

Other Business: 

Police Department has received the equipment and should be installed by next week. Three officers will be attending SRO training.  The street department along with police officers have plans for the Friday high school homecoming parade in order.  The brush truck arrived today.  Engineers are working on storm drain issues near Top Line. 

There being no further business a motion to adjourn was made (Nichols) and seconded (Colburn).  Motion carried.