Brent City Council 

June 17, 2023 

by Lynn Hamric 

Mayor Bobbie White called the meeting to order at 5:00pm and opened with the Pledge of Allegiance followed by prayer by Councilman Tom Owings. 


Roll Call: 

Barbara Morrison 5:01 

Tracy Sanders 5:10 

Chad Jones 5:01 

Tom Owings 5:01 

Jerry Conway 5:01 


A motion to approve the minutes was made (Conway) and seconded (Owings). Motion carried. 


A motion to approve the A/P was made (Conway) and seconded (Morrison).  Motion carried. 


Police Report – none 

Court Report  – copy in council packets 

Request to address council – none 

Personnel action – none 


Other Business: 

Cheerleader Donation: 

Mayor White was approached with a request to contribute to the BCHS cheerleaders fund for uniforms.  After a lengthy discussion a motion to approve a one-time donation of $100 was made (Owings) and seconded (Jones).  Motion carried. 


Councilman Jones suggested that during the next budget cycle a designated amount be set as a line item for these type requests. 


July 5th: 

Since the 4th of July falls on Thursday in 2023 a motion was made (Sanders) and seconded (Jones) to approve Friday, July 5th as a paid holiday.  Motion carried. 


Information Items – none 


Meeting adjourned.