Volunteers are pouring into Bibb County to aid in the clean up efforts in all parts of the county. There are many stories that will be told in the coming days. These photos offer a single glimpse into the kindness of strangers in times of disaster.

George Hodgson of Tuscaloosa stopped by the home of Enoch Kidd, who lives on Payne Lake Road. Hodgson had his son Peter and grandson Nathan with him. Seeing the damage to Mr. Kidd’s home they stopped to lend a hand. Hodgson went further, after leaving Mr. Kidd covered with prayer he stopped by Samaritan’s Purse headquarters in Tuscaloosa and asked them to check in with Mr. Kidd and offer any available assistance……..The kindness of strangers in times of need is what this country is built upon. Our heartfelt thanks go out from The Bibb Voice to all of the first responders and volunteers that will be working overtime in the coming days to assist those in need.