Commission Chair Stabler called the meeting to order.  Kirk Smith opened with prayer followed by Commissioner Stabler leading the Pledge of Allegiance. 

Public Comment – None 

Public Comment from Other Elected Officials – None 

Roll Call: (Present) Lightsey, Caddell, Downs, Corbell and Stabler. 

Information Items: 

A/P check runs (provided to commissioners) 

Consent Agenda – None 

New Business: 

  • A motion to approve minutes from the previous meeting was made (Caddell) and seconded (Corbell). Motion carried. 
  • Carol Buchanan/Marvin Wyatt addressed the commission about the condition of Co Rd 12/Deer Ridge Road.  This road was paved by the subdivision developer when the subdivision was new.  The road is basically a series of potholes now.  A petition of subdivision signatures requesting the county take ownership and maintenance of this road.  Commissioner Corbell said he is very familiar with this road.  The state legislature passed a law prohibiting the county working on private property.  He (Corbell) stated he will meet with Mr. Wyatt soon to discuss possible solutions. The neighbors have collected $5,500 for a culvert to alleviate flooding. 
  • The representative for Enterprise Fleet Management came for a second meeting of Q&A regarding the county turning over the. Purchasing, selling, systematic rotation of 37 vehicles for the sheriff’s department, road crew vehicles, etc.  Admin Davis stated he would like for the county attorney to review the contract and offer an opinion at a future meeting. 
  • Shane Wallace representing the Bibb County Airport Board requested the appointment of Gary Uber.  Mr. Ubers name was submitted earlier but due to a residency issue was not approved.  The residency issue has been resolved.  A motion to approve the appointment was made (Downs) and seconded (Corbell). Motion carried. 
  • The Sheriffs Dept request the authority to apply for an ADECA grant for the purchase of a K9 Unit vehicle. A motion to approve was made (Lightsey) and seconded (Caddell). Motion carried.  Sen. Weaver is working to secure a new K9 for this unit. 
  • Request payment in the amount of $22,000.00 for the replacement of an AC unit in the jail kitchen.  This is a larger unit than previously installed.  A motion to approve was made (Downs) and seconded (Caddell). Motion carried. 
  • Request authority to pay All Phase Security $4,200 for jail security repair approved a last commission meeting.  Motion made (Downs) seconded (Corbell). Motion carried. 

County Administrator:

  • The rotation of the commission chair date is November 14th.  The rotation goes to Commissioner Corbell.  A motion to approve was made (Downs) and seconded (Lightsey). Motion carried. 
  • Brian Davis requested a pay increase of $1.90/hr for two employees (facilities manager and pound supervisor).  Motion carried. 

County Engineer: 

  • Approval of payment of $7,671.80 from the two-cent fund to Thompson Engineering for CE&I on Camp Branch Road.  Motion to approve (Corbell) seconded (Caddell). Motion carried. 
  • Approval of payment of $2,649.94 to Alabama Lock & Key for jail security system approved at previous meeting.  Motion made (Corbell) seconded (Caddell). Motion carried. 
  • Jeff McKinney, former county engineer, applied for and received an ADEM grant in the amount of $105,537.00 for ARPA Drinking Water/Wastewater.  Motion made (Corbell) seconded (Caddell). Motion carried. 

County EMA – None 

County Attorney – None 

Old Business – None 

Discussion items by commissioners – None 

A motion to adjourn was made (Caddell) seconded Downs. Motion approved.