Mayor Bobbie White called the meeting to order at five o’clock and Councilperson Tom Owings opened with prayer.
Roll Call:
Barbara Morrison – 5:01
Tracy Sanders – 5:04
Chad Jones – 5:01
Tom Owings – 5:01
Jerry Conway – 5:01
A motion to approve the minutes was made (Morrison) and seconded (Conway). Motion carried.
A motion to approve the financial expenditures was made (Conway) and seconded (Owings). Motion carried.
Police Report:
Chief Carl McMillian presented a request to hire a new police officer (Justin Hobbs) at the rate of $20/hr with a hire date of October 23, 2023. Mr. Hobbs will be on a one-year contract with a $7500 buyout clause. He has four years’ experience at UAB and also served as a Border Patrol agent. A motion to approve this request was made (Jones) and seconded (Sanders). Motion carried.
Court Report:
Laura Tyus advised the council of the heavy court case load and requested beginning 2024 there be two court sessions, the first for new cases and the second for trial court. Approved.
Request to Address Council:
Rev. Larry Moultrie with Concerned Citizens of Bibb County addressed the council as follows:
- With regard to the August 17 incident, what did the Brent Police Officers present contribute? He stated that the “victim” could have been held without injury. (He was not at the scene of the incident.)
- Rev. Moultrie requested to know how the City of Brent advertises their request for bids for contracts on city projects. His concern is whether minorities are receiving equal treatment. He was advised that the water department has the majority of contracts, and an engineering firm is responsible for handling this. He was advised that city jobs/projects for which bids are required are advertised in the Centreville Press, posted in City Hall and the Brent/Centreville Library.
- Rev. Moultrie revisited obtaining the results of the investigation surrounding the Aug. 17 incident. Mayor White explained that ALEA is investigating, and a ruling has not been made. There can be no comment until the ALEA report is rendered. The Brent Attorney will handle the release of this information.
- Rev. Moultrie stated that a “grave injustice” has been done to a citizen of Brent and wanted to know what is being done about this. Councilperson Sanders stated that the Brent/Centreville police and fire departments work together and when an incident occurs in one municipality the other serves as backup and cannot act unless requested. The incident occurred within the Centreville City limits and therefore Brent Police Department was in a backup capacity.
- Rev. Moultrie stated that all elected officials need to uphold the law for the citizens that put them in office.
Patricia Stewart Banks:
Ms. Banks addressed the council with concerns around the drainage in her neighborhood (Brent Hill). She stated the ditches are filled with debris and the culverts are all stopped up. This prevents proper drainage and when there is a large amount of rain the water jumps the driveways and pools in the yards. Mayor White asked Mr. John Donner to respond to this. He agrees with Ms. Banks, however the driveways are private property, and the city cannot work on them. He stated it would require the removal of all existing culverts and installation of new culverts. He further stated that at the end of the street someone has dumped a truck load of dirt in the ditch. As long as residents throw trash in the ditches and burn garbage in them the drainage will be a problem. He stated this problem is at least 15 years old. Ms. Banks further stated there are dilapidated houses and trailers, abandoned automobiles and this causes a problem with vermin. Mayor White advised Ms. Banks that she needs to get with her neighbors and see if the neighborhood can do a better job of cleaning up and maintaining private property. Mayor White stated that Ms. Banks is certainly doing her part as she and Mr. Donner visited the neighborhood this afternoon.
Ms. Banks also raised a concern about the recycling plant and the foul odor emitted. She stated that neighbors need to have self-respect and that Brent needs to work to improve, get citizens to all work together to clean up the area. Mayor White advised that OSHA had been contacted numerous times and the regulations are being met regarding emissions.
Personnel Action: none
Other Business:
- Rules of Council Ordinance – Mayor White read the ordinance.
- Approval of Financial Institution – First US Bank is currently being used. A motion to continue with First US Bank was made (Conway) and seconded (Owings). Motion carried.
- Approval of Check Signing – The signatories will remain the same.
- Budget line-item adjustment – City Clerk advised the council of increases/decreases in line items and the total budget does not change.
- Remove Dennis Stripling from signatory authority on the Fire Department Checking account and add James Murphy.
- Yellowhammer Networks, LLC. – After the presentation at the last council meeting and a discussion tonight, a motion to table was made (Owings) and seconded (Sanders). Motion carried.
- Informational Items – none
Before and during the council meeting, 10-15 individuals lined the sidewalk across from city hall with placards indicating their feelings on the Aug. 17 incident. Approximately eight individuals attended the council meeting.
Meeting adjourned.