Commission Chair Stabler called the meeting to order. 

Public Comment – None 

Public Comment from Other Elected Officials – None 

Roll Call: Present – Lightsey, Downs, Corbell and Stabler. Absent – Caddell 

Information Items: A/P check run for last two weeks (in commissioners’ packets). 

Consent Agenda:  

New Washer/Dryer with 7 yr warranty installed at the jail $2,800.00.  Motion to approve (Lightsey) second (Downs). Motion carried. 

New Business: 

  • A motion to approve the minutes was made (Corbell) and seconded (Downs). Motion carried. 
  • Porter Higginbotham Engineering (Luke Porter) requested authorization to apply for rail guard grant.  This would provide installation of guard rales at seven locations (both side of road) OR replace existing guard rales.  This is a 9010 match and is for $250,895.00.  The county will be required to pay for engineering design up front $12,500.  Jeff McKinney initiated this prior to his departure.  A motion to approve grant application was made (Corbell) and seconded (Lightsey).  Motion carried. 
  • Alex Thomas – Engineering Fleet presentation – Covered the program he represents that assists municipalities in securing light weight vehicles at government rate, after market equipment with a high re-sale value.  Information was provided to commissioners for consideration.  No action taken. 
  • Request permission from the state to station two electronic signs on Hwy 25 right-of-way for the Brierfield Veterans Day Celebration.  A motion to approve was made (Corbell) seconded (Downs). Motion carried. 
  • Payment for the Board of Registrar employee’s quarterly insurance reimbursement in the amount of $1,12.30.  A motion to approve was made (Corbell) and seconded (Lightsey).  Motion carried. 
  • A motion to approve the repair of electronic door mechanism at the jail with an estimate of $1,251.00.  A motion to approve was made (Corbell) and seconded (Lightsey). Motion carried. 

County Administrator: 

  • EMA grant/reimbursement. A motion to approve was made (Downs) and seconded (Corbell). Motion carried. 
  • After interviews were completed for the position of payroll clerk, the county administrator requested permission to offer the job to the selected candidate.  A motion to approve was made (Downs) and seconded (Corbell).  Motion carried. 

County Engineer: 

  • A motion to approve the purchase of stone ($1,302.00) and riprap ($2,142) was made (Downs) and seconded (Corbell).  Motion carried. 
  • A motion to purchase tires for the motor grader from Southern Tire Mart in the amount of $1,497.80 was made (Corbell) and seconded (Lightsey).  Motion carried. 

County EMA: 

  • Director requested he be allowed to purchase a Dodge 2016 truck with 60,000 miles $26,000.00. A 2000 GMC one-ton with crane/boom for $11,500. A 100 gal fuel tank complete, for the service truck.  After much discussion as to the condition of these used vehicles a motion was made to approve the 4-wheel drive truck (Corbell) and seconded Downs. Motion carried.  A motion to approve purchase of the 2000 GMC and fuel tank was made (Lightsey) and seconded (Corbell).  Motion carried. 
  • Director stated the grapple truck arrived today. 
  • Director requested to hire an impoundment officer to assist Rodney at a rate of $13/hr. A motion to approve was made (Corbell) and seconded (Downs).  Motion carried. 
  • Pondville storm shelter site will be surveyed this week. 

County Attorney – None 

Old Business – None 

Discussion items by commissioners – one 

There being no further business the meeting was adjourned.