Commission Chair Stabler called the meeting to order.  Kirk Smith opened with prayer and followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. 

Public Comment: none 

Public Comment from Other Elected Officials: none 

Roll Call: (Present) Commissioners Lightsey, Caddell, Downs, Corbell and Stabler. 

Information Items: A/P Check Runs for four weeks. 

Consent Agenda: 

  1. A motion was made (Corbell) and seconded (Lightsey) to pay $6,673.00 to Global Fire for the fire alarm upgrade for two elevators.  This was pre-approved by Commission Chair to be in compliance within the 90-day window. Motion carried. 
  2. A motion was made (Downs) and seconded (Corbell) to pay $1,777.00 to Amazon for purchase of computer parts.  Motion carried.
  3. A motion was made (Caddell) and seconded (Lightsey) to pay Greens Auto $1,600.00 to swap an engine from a wrecked sheriff’s department vehicle into a vehicle with a good body.  Motion carried. 

New Business: 

  1. A motion to approve the minutes of the August 14, 2023, meeting was made (Caddell) and seconded (Lightsey). Motion carried. 
  2. GMC – A request was made to approve application for a $175,000 grant for which 5% match will be required of awarded.  This will cover a 20-year LP layout for the airport.  A motion to approve was made (Corbell) and seconded (Caddell). Motion carried.
  3. A motion was made (Downs) and seconded (Caddell) to approve the Board of Registrars work hours as needed under Acts of Alabama 2022-131.  (If the registrar cannot work and the assistant can this covers work hours.) Motion carried. 

County Administrator: 

  1. Budget – Brian Davis requested an across-the-board increase of $1.00/hr cost of living raise for all county employees.  This needs to be discussed during a work session which is scheduled for 5:00 p.m. on September 25, 2023, prior to the regular commission meeting. 
  2. Garbage Transfer Station – Two companies have indicated interest in assuming responsibility for running the transfer station.  According to the proposal Brian selected, residential rates will not increase through the end of the contract with Great White. There will be a $2/ton return to the county as a lease payment. Increase from $55/ton to $58/ton for nonresidential services in Bibb County.  This will be effective October 1, 2023.  There are currently two employees at the transfer station, both have CDL/Equip. Classification.  They will be asked to transfer to the road department effective October 1, 2023. 
  3. A motion was made (Corbell) and seconded (Lightsey) to pay $1,400 to Dinosaur Trucking for three tires and repair to the trailer.  Motion approved. 
  4. A motion was made (Lightsey) and seconded (Corbell) to amend the resolution previously approved to purchase two vests from a different vendor due to supply chain delays.  Motion carried. 
  5. A motion was made (Corbell) and second (Lightsey) to advertise for an employee to handle payroll.  This is not a new position.  Motion carried. 
  6. A motion was made (Corbell) and seconded (Caddell) to pay registration and travel for the Board of Registrars and Probate Office to attend the Alabama Election Conference in Tuscaloosa.  Motion carried. 
  7. A motion was made (Corbell) and seconded (Lightsey) to change the meeting dates for commission in October – Oct. 9th will meet on October 10th and October 23rd will be October 24th.  Motion carried. 
  8. Item added – One AC unit in the courthouse stopped working. Due to the age of the unit (outdated freon) the unit could not be repaired and had to be replaced.  A motion to replace at a cost of $11,200.00 was made (Corbell) and seconded (Downs). Motion carried. 

County Engineer: (Brian Davis reported) 

  1. Requested approval to pay Thompson engineering (BKI) invoice #5 and final invoice for design services performed on the Camp Branch Road FDR Project in the amount of $2,150.08 out of the 2-cent fund. FYI-a contract with Thompson Engineering was approved on May 9, 2022, in the amount of $64,500 to perform CE&I services.  In a matter of weeks work on this project will begin.  A motion to approve was made (Caddell) and seconded (Lightsey).  Motion carried. 
  2. Requested approval to pay Rick’s Service Co. invoice for performing AC and other repairs on the CAT grader in the amount of $1,123.50.  A motion to approve was made (Corbell) and seconded (Downs). Motion carried. 
  3. Request to pay Thompson caterpillar invoice for repair work involving replacement of water pump and secondary steering pump on the CAT grader in the amount of $6,899.02.  A motion to approve was made (Lightsey) and seconded (Corbell). Motion carried. 
  4. Request to purchase various hoses and nozzles for equipment in the amount of $11,046.87. This inventory will allow quick repairs. A motion to approve was made (Corbell) and seconded (Lightsey). Motion carried. 
  5. Request to pay Sibley Equipment invoice for Mini ex rental in the amount of $1,804.51.  This machine was used to clear ditches and perform shoulder work along camp Branch Road in preparation for future FDR project.  This was done prior to delivery of the new Mini Ex.  A motion to approve was made (Lightsey) and seconded (Downs).  Motion carried. 
  6. Request to pay Sibley Equipment invoice for Mini ex rental in the amount of $1,289.45. This machine was used to place rip rap and rebuild shoulder on Mill Creek Road.  A motion to approve was made (Corbell) and seconded (Caddell).  Motion carried. 
  7. Request to hire J&L Tree Service to take down a large tree and perform stump grinding adjacent to the driveway of 1815 Grey Hill Road in the amount of $2,200.00. This tree hinders sight distance when the residents pull out of their driveway but also is a substantial hazard due to its close proximality to the roadway.  A motion to approve was made (Caddell) and seconded (Corbell).  Motion carried. 
  8. Request purchase of 8 tires for motor graders (4 each) in the amount of $10,104.48.  A motion to approve was made (Corbell) and seconded (Lightsey). Motion carried. 
  9. It is time to select the next Rebuild Alabama Project.  In 2014 the commission signed a resolution to proceed with resurfacing the Riverbend Road (Co. Rd 26).  During the interim the West Ashby deteriorated at a faster rate and was resurfaced.   Request is being made to initiate a project to resurface the Riverbend Road with Rebuild Alabama Funds that will be sufficient by the time work will be scheduled to begin.  A motion to approve was made (Downs) and seconded (Corbell). Motion carried. 


FYI – The Hwy 11 four lane project being performed by ALDOT is now restricting customers from accessing Mike Carroll’s Truck & Tractor business when traveling west due to there not being a cross over. Mr. Carroll is pursuing having another entrance into the back of his facility from Scott G. Davis Pkwy.  He has had discussions with Cae Davis Allen about this and it appears an agreement has been arrived at.  Even though it will be crossing part of the turning lane Mr. Carroll was cautioned that curb & gutter work will need to be performed as in the case at the adjacent entrance to the water tank. 

County EMA – 

  1. Applicants for the Assistant EMA Director/Debris processing coordinator position were interviewed according to prescribed county procedures.  David Fancher was selected and will begin at a rate of $20/hr.  A motion to approve was made (Corbell) and seconded (Caddell).  Motion carried. 
  2. Applicants for the Debris removal position were interviewed according to prescribed county procedures.  Kevin Hays was selected and will begin at a rate of $16/hr.  A motion to approve was made (Corbell) and seconded (Lightsey).  Motion carried. 

County Attorney – none 

Old Business -none 

Discussion Items By Commissioners: 

Commissioner Corbell expressed thanks to the staff for handling business and during the transitional period.  Commissioner Caddell did likewise. 

A motion to adjourn was made (Downs) and seconded (Corbell). Motion carried. 

Meeting adjourned.