The Alabama Cottage Food Law went into effect in 2014 and provides guidance and information for cottage food entrepreneurs. The law states that individuals can produce certain nonhazardous foods in their homes. As part of the law, individuals who wish to sell these products are required to complete a food safety course designed specifically for the cottage foods industry.
The course and exam are now available online. Registrant will need to watch four videos as part of the course requirements. Resources are available to assist in preparation of the exam. Step by step instructions are provided below.
After watching the videos, you can register to take the online exam. A Regional Agent will contact you within 2 business days to schedule a date and time convenient for you to take the exam online. Please allow 7-10 business days to receive your certificate. A non-refundable registration fee is $25.
Want to start a Cottage Food Law Business?
Step 1: How do I take the course? Watch the four Cottage Law videos.
Introduction to Cottage Food Law
Cottage Food Law: Rules and Regulation Video
Cottage Food Law: Food Safety Video
Cottage Food Law: Making Jams and Jellies Video