If Christians ever expect to make a dent in the reformation of culture and our nation, we’ve got to take our worldview, and apply it practically at every level of society in which we interact. The first of these levels is our personal life, the second level is our marriages and families. The third level is our churches. The fourth level, one which is too easy to overlook, is our workplace. It is here that our worldview has one of the largest impacts on the society around us. Even if we don’t have a worldview– lack of worldview is still a worldview, and will be reflected in the quality of the work we do while performing our duties in the workplace.

If we believe that nobody holds us accountable, we are not given incentive to produce a good product and perform at our best, unless it benefits us in some sort of self-gratifying way through financial or power gains. Christians however are supposed to believe that God is holding them accountable, and calls their work to a higher standard than the world around them has set. We’re told in Colossians 3:23 that we are to work as unto the Lord: “And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men”.  The word “heartily” means to do something in an open, cheerful, and energetic way. We ought to give our employers the very best work we can, with a cheerful and energetic spirit, working as if the Lord is our employer. Christians can find a standard by which to do their work in the Bible. When Christians begin making a personal covenant to turn back to that standard in their work life, it will mark the beginning of true national economic reformation, and the return of God’s blessing on our economy. If we want things to get better, we have to stop making excuses by blaming President Obama, or some other far-off “problem”, and take real action in the levels of society which we CAN impact. (Proverbs 26:13) Remember again the primary levels of influence: you, your family, your church, and your workplace. This is where change starts. When Christians begin to think along the lines of applying a biblical standard to their lives on these levels, change will come to the land via the Lord’s blessing. (Deuteronomy 28)

Next articleEditorial: Night and Day
I'm the owner/operator of Centreville Tech, a mobile app and custom software development company based in Bibb County, Alabama. When I'm not working on software, you'll find me spending time with family, hanging out with friends from the Episcopal church, enjoying craft beer, playing video games, or studying New Urbanism.


  1. Great article Josh. Well said. Keep in mind there is evil everywhere now days. Be prepared to stand your ground and watch our for evil people in the workplace. Even after you look after people if you hold them accountable then Satan will come at you. Continue to tell about Jesus and to pray for your enemies.

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