Blog Page 26

Retired Teacher’s Day

The Bibb County Education Retiree’s Association had their monthly meeting November 7th. Bibb County Probate Judge Stephanie Kemmer attended the meeting and declared November 14th as "Retired Teacher’s Day” to recognize public educators who...

Bibb Extension Color Run

Bibb County Extension hosted a free color run on Saturday, November 4th around the Courthouse Square to encourage physical activity. Runners and walkers gathered at 7:30 am to run the half mile course. As...

Governor Ivey Prohibits Burning Statewide

PRESS RELEASE Governor Kay Ivey on Wednesday issued a statewide ‘No Burn Order.’ Today, she signed a statewide Drought Emergency Declaration which prohibits all outdoor burning in Alabama. This order is effective November 9, 2023,...

ICYMI—Tuberville: Let’s Make Daylight Saving Time Permanent

Press Release WASHINGTON – Last week, U.S. Senator Tommy Tuberville (R-AL) delivered remarks on the Senate floor about the Sunshine Protection Act, a bill to make Daylight Saving Time permanent. Senator Tuberville discussed how the outdated practice...

Rightside Way: Schoolhouse Rock

By former State Senator Phil Williams In the age of streaming TV and on-demand-everything there is a something that kids these days just don’t have: the beauty of Saturday morning cartoons. In an era in...

Monthly Business Appreciation: Hometown Café – The Heart of Southern Hospitality

In the town of West Blocton, there's a place that's more than just a café; it's a haven for those who appreciate the warmth of classic southern cooking. Hometown Café, located at 1054 Main...

Inside the Statehouse: 2024 Elections Around the Corner

By Steve Flowers Folks don’t look now, but our 2024 election year is upon us.  Next year is a major year in politics nationwide.  Not only does the nation elect a president, most states also...

Addressing Navy veterans’ asbestos exposure by promoting awareness

Asbestos exposure is a pressing concern for Navy vets who served on ships built from the 1930s to the early 1980s. A once-praised building material, asbestos played a crucial role in shipbuilding during the...

The Unsung Heroes: Appreciating Teachers of the Year in Bibb County

For every right reason, educators are often considered the unsung heroes of our society. They play a vital role in shaping the future by imparting knowledge and nurturing the minds of our youth. Bibb...

New BBB research shows people aged 18-24 reported losing more money to scams than...

PRESS RELEASE  People ages 18-24 reported losing more money to scams than older age groups, according to Carl Bates, president and CEO of the Better Business Bureau of Central and South Alabama.  A new national...