Centreville City Council 

July 2, 2024 


By Lynn Hamric 


Mayor Oakley called the meeting to order at five o’clock.  Councilperson Brad Colburn led in prayer followed by the Pledge of Allegiance led by Councilperson Mike Nichols. 


Roll Call: 

Mike Nichols – 5:01 

Dianne Epperson – 5:01 

Don Mack – 5:01 

Linda Lawrence – 5:01 

Brad Colburn 5:01 


Mayor Oakley welcomed the members and coaches of the South Bibb 12U Girls team and read a Proclamation from the City honoring their success. 


Mayor Oakley welcomed Mr. Edward H. Lightsey and recognized him with a Proclamation from the City honoring him on his upcoming 100th  birthday on July 4, 2024. 


A motion to approve the minutes of the June 18, 2024 meeting was made (Nichols) and seconded (Lawrence).  Motion carried. 


Mayor Oakley recognized members representing Keys to the City, the group the city contracted with almost three years ago, to develop, with the input from citizens, community leaders, business people and elected officials, an official Master Plan for the city.  These plans have been reviewed by the Zoning Board members as well as the Council members.  From the Zoning Board – Beth Downs made a motion to approve the proposed Master Plan, Penny Mitchell seconded (Justin Sanders and Brad Coburn board members). Motion carried. Resolution moved from the Zoning Board to the City Council at this point.  A motion to approve this Resolution was made (Colburn) and seconded (Nichols).  Motion carried.  Councilperson Mack stated, “This is very, very, good for the City of Centreville.”  “Let’s GO”! 


Mayor Oakley recognized Lynn Hamric, representing both the Centreville Main Street Board and Centreville Historic Preservation Commission.  Ms. Hamric presented notebooks to each council member (from Centreville Main Street) containing documents explaining the mission of both groups and a copy of the Centreville Ordinances as current in 2014.  She stated there is no ”I” in the word TEAM and that Centreville City Council is the hub of the wheel from which many spokes (as listed above) project.  While each may work independently all must work as a team in order to accomplish improvements for our city.  The Mayor and Council expressed their appreciation for this document. 


Paving of city streets was discussed and after several ideas and suggestions were presented, Councilperson Colburn suggested that a work session be set to look at this in greater detail.  Clerk Batte suggested July15, 2024 at 4:00pm, prior to the next council meeting be the date.  All agreed. 


Operations Reports: 

Police – none 

Street – none 

Fire – Assisted with the rescue of two youth.   

Received the annual allocation of funds from the County Commission. 


Council Comments: 

Councilperson Lawrence: 

  1. Asked what had been done to address the two handicap inaccessible places on downtown that was brought up at the last meeting.  Mayor Oakley stated ALDOT Engineer, Sky Hallman was in town and looked at both. 
  2. She wanted to state again how well run and excellent the first Cahaba Crawl turned out.  Everything was as perfect as it could be. 

Councilperson Nichols: 

The Cahaba Crawl should be an annual event and grow bigger every year. 


Mayor Oakley stated the council is 100% behind it. 


Councilperson Mack: 

  1. Asked about the completion of sidewalk cleaning. Clerk Batte stated the job has been completed. 
  2. Asked the status of properties in disrepair, abandoned and need extensive clean-up.  Mayor Oakley stated there are 12 structures from the Vet Clinic intersection through town, Hwy 283 Cash Trailer Park, Old Bldg. across from City Street Department and Jack Lawrence area.  Several requests have been made including letters with the next action outlined.  Mayor Oakley requested each councilperson ride throughout their district and bring a list of areas that need addressing. 

Mayor Oakley stated: 

  1. Jack Lawrence is working on cleaning up his area. 
  2. Alfred Hughes is removing trees the city moved off street right-of-way. 
  3. Old VFW building.  This belongs to an IT guy from Tuscaloosa.  He has been contacted. 
  4. Old McDonalds Building. William Scott is contacting McDonalds. 



A discussion surrounding the ownership and upkeep of the “city park”, “walking trail”, etc.  This continues to be investigated.  It’s understood that the Board of Education has ownership, the City is to keep area mowed and clean.  Dr. Waits has involvement in this via a grant. 


Public Comment – none 

There being no further business the meeting was adjourned. 


Guests: Katie Cheslock and Jeff McGee.