Centreville City Council 

June 4, 2024 

by Lynn Hamric

Mayor Mike Oakley called the meeting to order at 5:00 p.m. The invocation was delivered by Dianne Epperson and Officer Mike Shirley led in the Pledge of Allegiance. 


Roll Call: 

Dianne Epperson 5:01 

Linda Lawrence 5:01 

Don Mack 5:01 

Brad Colburn 5:01 

Mike Nichols – absent 


Dianne Epperson made a motion to approve the May 21, 2024 minutes, seconded by Brad Colburn.  Motion carried. 


A Resolution for the Centreville Main Street River Crawl was presented to the council.  After extensive discussion by the council, council member Brad Colburn asked Chief Rodney Smith what he thought about the event.  Chief Smith stated, “I am against the event.”  He then outlined at great length his reasons for opposition (people bringing coolers of alcoholic beverages into the seating areas beside their chairs; river floaters drinking while floating the river; participants going to their cars and pouring alcohol into cups and bringing to their seats, etc.}.  Mayor Oakley stated there would be no alcohol provided on the grounds; the CMS Board members will be monitoring the participants/events and other precautions taken. Chief Smith went on to say that he would have three (3) on duty officers rotating through the event area monitoring for open containers.  If anyone should be approached and asked to pour out their beverage and there was resistance, they would be escorted off the premises.  There would be no exceptions made. 


Lynn Hamric asked to speak and was given permission.  She stated that Main Street is a non-profit organization with the sole purpose of attempting to improve Centreville through economic development, beautification and community involvement.  This event has been well planned.  There will be no coolers allowed on the premises, there will be no alcohol sold or allowed, the CMS Board will be monitoring, she and board committee members will be serving and only soft drinks and water will be available.  All river floaters must sign waiver and will be directed as to rules on the bus by Adventure Shoals personnel.  They carry the insurance for the river float.  CMS has one day event insurance through ALFA.  This is a family event and will be run as such. There will be two off-duty officers monitoring the event area. 


John Krapf addressed the council and provided a copy of the ordinance along with door camera photos of the tremendous problem with dogs around his house and along Walnut Street.  He stated they are on his porch all hours of the day/night, and that they are unable to even walk through the neighborhood.  Chief Smith immediately indicated he could take care of that the following day if given permission to have the animal control officer place cages on the property to catch the dogs.  Permission was immediately given. 


Building Code Ordinance – Officer Shirley advised the council of building(s) not in compliance with the current fire codes.  A building had been inspected and found with numerous violations.  A revisit is impending.  This pertains to buildings under construction.  The council decided that all city buildings should be inspected and brought into compliance if found in need before any further action is to be taken.  A building inspector is needed to ensure compliance.  A motion for an updated ordinance addressing this was made by Brad Colburn and seconded by Linda Lawrence.  This will be presented at a future date. 


Resolution – Nuisance Structures – Mayor Oakley stated there are several structures/lots that have, either structures in significant disrepair or severe overgrowth.  Mayor Oakley stated these conditions have been discussed with owners and letters sent.  Action will be taken if the owners do not comply with requests. Two structures are the old Middlebrooks house and trailer by the old fire department (street dept. bldg.).   A motion to move toward demolition was made by Brad Colburn and seconded by Dianne Epperson.  Motion carried.  Brad Colburn asked if a demolition resolution was needed.  No action taken. 



Operations Report – 

Mayor Oakley called on a report from the street department.  Nothing to report.  Next was the fire department.  A representative reported they had six calls within the last two weeks.  A complete report for the month will be given at the next council meeting.  The company filing with insurance companies to reimburse the city (fire department) for calls is generating payments.   


It was reported that a tree fell on one of the municipal trucks resulting in damage but no individuals incurred injury. 


Chief Smith reported a total of 43 officers and deputies from multiple agencies attended a recent de-escalation training. 


Jay Cromer is attending a School Resource Officer training.   


Chief Smith presented the idea of having the SRO vehicles current police identification removed and replaced with the winner of a recent student design competition.  There were 29 entries and he and Jay will narrow this down to 5-6 and bring them to the council to make the selection at the next meeting.  The City/Centreville Middle School and Bibb County High School should be identified on the vehicle.  This vehicle could be used to escort teams to various athletic events.  This is in an endeavor to increase a positive attitude towards the police. 


Chief Smith stated the current evidence room size is insufficient.  He would like to move forward quickly to rearrange the use of rooms to increase storage as well as provide a windowless room for questioning witnesses, etc.  Megan Batte stated she has an architect looking at drawing up plans for a new city hall/police station/etc.   


If anyone mentions the traffic light delay at the intersection of Walnut Street/Hwy. 219, and Mill Street they are to be advised this is an ALDOT problem, they have been notified numerous times.  There has been no time frame given for correcting this problem. 


Council Comments: 

Brad Colburn – Asked about the ordinance covering the Horton Cows.  What is the date of this ordinance.  Megan Batte stated that these cows have been there for years and the ordinance only covers having swine.  Brad asked the date of the ordinance and Megan stated she would have to look that up. 


Don Mack wants to know where all the ordinances are kept and why they are not readily accessible and posted on the city web page.  Megan Batte stated they are all being re-typed and this will take a considerable amount of time. Don stated this is extremely important and a company should be hired to scan these which would be much quicker.  No action taken. 


Brad Colburn asked what has been done about securing the ownership/use provision of the area by the Chamber to be used as a city park.  This discussion began several months ago. This is approximately three acres.  Mayor Oakley stated he has talked with the Supt. of Ed. and the request to look into this came at the one of the busiest times for them.  They will look into it ASAP.   


Linda Lawrence wanted to know why no flags were flown in Centreville over the Memorial Day weekend.  Mayor Oakley stated he forgot about it.  She stated that Brent had their flags up. 


Linda Lawrence asked about the installation of the speed bumps.  Mayor Oakley advised they were waiting on Jeff McGee to indicate where they should be placed.  


Linda Lawrence and Dianne Epperson both said they had been contacted about the spray truck (mosquito) not coming closer to dark and others complaining about it spraying late afternoon when they want to sit outside. 


Police Report – May 2024 

Calls – 154 

Traffic Stops – 324 

Arrests – 23 

Assists – 115 

Citations – 183 

Warrants – 191 

Accidents – 3 

I/O Reports – 36 

Patrol Requests – 147 

Close Businesses – 123 

DUI – 9 

Calls within the city limits – 142 

Calls outside the city limits – 12