Coldwater Road

The resurfacing schedule of Coldwater Road has been in question depending on the allowable time frame for the treating material, which cannot be applied after temperatures drop to a certain level. Typically the cutoff time to put his down ends October 1, but since temperatures have been moderate, County Engineer Jeff McKinney said they were able to get a waiver and were allowed to put the treatment down last week. What does that mean for the overall timeframe? Instead of the project not completing until late spring 2020, McKinney said they will likely finish within a month.

Airport Funding

Since the County owns the property the airport sits on, they have to pass a resolution to allow ALDOT (Alabama Department of Transportation) to attain federal funding through grants or other means that would be used at the Bibb County Airport. The Commission passed this resolution for the coming year’s funding.

EMS/Ambulance Funds Distribution

In the month of September, EMS and Ambulance services in the county ran 305 total calls, with a bill to the County of $10,048.11. The Commission approved distribution of funds.

Other Items

Since nothing upcoming on the agenda is pressing business, the Commission decided to skip the next meeting that falls on Veteran’s Day, instead of rescheduling that meeting.

Commissioners and others present welcomed back Commissioner James Kelly, who has been out due to heart surgery.