Nestled in a well-groomed vacant lot in the residential section of Main Street West Blocton, a cluster of white canopy tents sat in a semicircle next to an enviably cool old truck. Whether or not the truck ran I couldn’t say, but beside it the new West Blocton Farmers’ Market ran like a top.
“We’ve had a really good turnout,” Matthew Hartzell said of the crowd that had already thinned by the time I arrived at about 11:00. “Several vendors have sold out of a lot of their stuff, or are down to just a little left. I’m sure everyone will adjust for next time.”
Cakes, jellies, flowers, and more enticed, looking on par with the best quality of these you would find anywhere. While the majority of big vegetable crops have not come in yet, you can expect to see more of that sort from vendors on upcoming dates.
The market will be open this Saturday, May 25th, and then the 2nd and 4th Saturdays each month June through August. Come out and see what they have to offer. You might be pleasantly surprised. You might even find a piece of art that speaks to you and demands to hang on your wall.