Raised Beds, Container and Hay Bale Gardening

This event combines a classroom presentation and a demonstration for each type of gardening.


If space for gardening is a problem or you just want to plant one vegetable, such as tomatoes, or you are finally taking the plunge to put in a raised bed, this is the workshop for you! You can grow vegetables very successfully in any of these three types of gardening containers. This workshop combines classroom presentations with a demonstration. (Then in June you can attend our Salsa Canning Workshop and learn how to can your produce!)

Raised Beds, Container and Hay Bale Gardening on Friday, April 22nd from 10:00am-1:00pm at the Bibb County Commission Building (the Rock Building) at 157 SW Davidson Drive, Centreville. To register, call Bibb Extension at 205-926-4310.



SOURCEThe Bibb Voice
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As the Bibb County Coordinator for Alabama Extension, Michelle Giddens coordinates the implementation of all Extension programs in Bibb County in many program areas. These program areas include 4-H and Youth Development, Animal Sciences, Food Safety and Quality, Forestry, Wildlife and Natural Resources, Human Nutrition, Diet and Health, Family and Child Development, Family Resource Management and Workforce Development, Commercial Horticulture, Home Grounds, Gardens and Home Pests, Farm and Agribusiness Management, and Community and Economic Development. Her experience includes with the eXtension Initiative at the University of Nebraska and with the eXtension Foundation; California State University, Fresno and Central Community College in Grand Island, NE. She currently serves on the board for Brierfield Fire and Rescue, a volunteer fire department serving Brierfield and Six Mile communities in Alabama