Growing Bibb County’s Future

Alabama 4-H has been making a comeback for several years now, including here in Bibb County.  Prior to 2015, the 4-H Agent serving Bibb County also served Shelby County—needless to say a challenging task.

In 2015, Bibb and Shelby were among the first paired counties statewide to collaborate on a successful internal Extension Centennial Youth Initiative (CYI) proposal to allocate an agent for each county.

The end result has been a significant expansion of the quantity and quality of 4-H program serving Bibb County youth, under the energetic leadership of 4-H Foundation Agent Simon Carbone, who is pretty much a household name in Bibb County—especially among youth.

Close at hand are registration deadlines Monday for the Alabama 4-H Summer Camp and for the 4-H Chick Chain program where youth buy, own and raise 10 chickens to adulthood.  Contact our office at 205-926-4310 or Carbone directly at 205-340-1159 or for more information about those or other Bibb County 4-H programs.

Growing Alabama’s Future

Alabama 4-H is committed to helping our Alabama communities thrive by providing opportunities for young people to be healthy, caring, and responsible. Dedicated staff and volunteers provide caring and supportive relationships that empower young people to feel valued, useful to their communities through service and action, and culturally competent to work and live with a diverse community. In addition, Alabama 4-H sets boundaries and expectations through constructive use of time where youth are creating, learning, and exploring the possibilities of a future with purpose, optimism, and personal power. There is no greater journey than the one shared with a young person. Come join us to build a better future though our young people.

Enrollment and Delivery Snapshot

  • 4-H is in every Alabama county
  • 161,937 young people enrolled
  • 51,699 club members
  • 3,346 clubs
  • 8,935 volunteers
  • 742 total schools served
  • 590 Title I schools served
  • 19,882 high school participants
  • 6,114 reside on farms
  • 77,469 reside in towns with pop. <10,000
  • 42,259 reside in towns with pop. 10,000–50,000
  • 14,983 reside in suburbs/cities
  • 21,112 reside in urban areas
  • 105 Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander
  • 1,711 Asian
  • 44,598 Black or African American
  • 16,657 Hispanic
  • 1,390 American Indian or Alaskan Native
  • 107,268 White
  • 3,598 did not indicate race
  • 3,267 more than one race

The Bottom Line

4-H’ers are 4X more likely to give back to their communities, 2X more likely to make healthier choices, and 2X more likely to participate in STEM. With your help, 4-H will continue to empower thousands of young people and strengthen hundreds of communities across Alabama.

Click here to support 4-H programs at

Download a printable PDF of 4HYD-2402 Alabama 4-H Statewide Report.

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As the Bibb County Coordinator for Alabama Extension, Matthew D. Hartzell coordinates the implementation of all Extension programs in Bibb County in many program areas. These program areas include 4-H and Youth Development, Animal Sciences, Food Safety and Quality, Forestry, Wildlife and Natural Resources, Human Nutrition, Diet and Health, Family and Child Development, Family Resource Management and Workforce Development, Commercial Horticulture, Home Grounds, Gardens and Home Pests, Farm and Agribusiness Management, and Community and Economic Development. Hartzell has served in his current position for 12 years and held primary program assignments in Community and Economic Development, Human Nutrition, Diet and Health, and Forestry Wildlife and Natural Resources.