U.S. Senate candidate and current U.S. Congressman Bradley Byrne came to Bibb County for a meet and greet at the Sawmeal Restaurant in Brent, Alabama, today.
Byrne talked about topics ranging from immigration to the ongoing impeachment saga in Congress. Byrne who serves on President Trump’s education committee as well as the armed forces committee had a lot to say about the so-called “impeachment sham” that his fellow members are carrying on in congress.
He went throughout the restaurant meeting and greeting various people from various places. One couple, from Thomaston, Alabama, were bankers and farmers. He talked to them about various agriculture bills that he had helped with it as well as a few that he had helped kill that would’ve hurt agriculture in the state.
Byrne, from Mobile, served on the State Board of Education, the Alabama State Senate, was head of the two-year college system where he cleaned up a political mess, and has served in Congress for four terms.
Byrne is seeking the U.S. Senate seat presently held by Democrat Doug Jones.