Letters To The Editor

By now we’ve all heard the outrageous details of what the MSM is selling to the American public as the “Covid-19 Relief Package.” We...

Ivey’s Prison Plan May Have Run Aground

Opposition to Governor Ivey's plan to commit the state to 30 year leases with private contractors for the construction of new prison facilities has...

Bibb County Continues To Fall Behind In Broadband Connectivity

  Bibb County and Alabama has a growing problem. Every day we depend more and more on access to the internet to conduct all manner...

Inside the Statehouse: 2023 Observations and Accolades

By Steve Flowers I know we are in a new year, but allow me to look back into 2023 and share with you some observations...

Inside the Statehouse: Senator Katie Britt’s Amazing First Year

By Steve Flowers As Christmas approaches, Alabama’s new senator, Katie Britt, prepares to mark one year in office. Those of us who have known her...

A New Arms Race, To Be or Not To Be?

Tuesday night President Trump delivered the State of the Union (SOTU) address, speaking for an hour and a half about everything from the border...

Walmart Goes Against The Grain With New Thanksgiving Ad

  As millions of Americans united Wednesday night to watch one of the great traditions in American life — a World Series Game 7 — Walmart...

Proposed Statewide Constitutional Amendment #2 – Yes or No

  Alabama voters will go to the polls on November 6. In addition to the general election there are four (4) important Constitutional Amendments that...

Problems Around the World Remind us of Thanksgiving Blessings Right Here...

By Paul DeMarco The American tradition of Thanksgiving is special for a lot of reasons. The opportunity to celebrate our blessings with our family and...

Hats Off  To Governor Ivey

Opinion by Mike Hobson My hat is off today to our Governor Ivey for taking a stand and action against the pervasive war in education...