Alvin Rice Honored by H.D. Davidson School Alumni Association

Rice Named Curator of Davidson Museum & Library by School Alumni Association



Friends and family of Alvin Rice turned out today at Centreville Middle School to see Mr. Rice honored by installation as the Curator of the Henry Damon Davidson Library and Museum, which is housed within what is now known as the Centreville Middle School. Rice was honored by the Alumni Association of the original school founded by Professor Davidson (1869-1955) who launched the original school and steeled the original students who passed thru the halls of what was first known as the Bibb County Training School.

The museum was originally opened in February 2017 with a ribbon cutting during a Founders Day celebration. Professor Davidson was the founder of the Centreville Industrial Institute which opened its doors in October 1900. The school was later renamed the Bibb County Training School and then H.D. Davidson High School. The last graduating class from Davidson High School was in 1969. The Bibb County school system was reorganized under a federal court order in 1970.

Alvin Rice graduated from Davidson High School in 1966. During his induction ceremony today Former Alumni Association President John Banks and Current President John Avery praised Alvin Rice for his dedication and perserverance to maintaining the legacy of the Davidson school and the memory of the students who have passed thru its halls. His wife, Joyce Rice thanked those for the honor and said that Alvin “is driven by the value of the education that he received at H.D. Davidson High School and will never stop his service to the alumni association as long as he is able to continue.”

For more information about today’s ceremony take a look at the full video and photographs that are available with this article.