Extension Offers Program on Heirs’ Property

Alabama Extension is offering a live, on-line two-hour program on Heirs’ Property at 7:00 p.m. on May 5th.


two people reviewing documents

Heirs’ property is created when a landowner dies and his or her estate is not probated or administered. Equitable, but not legal, title passes to his or her heirs at death. The Code of Alabama (1975) is used to determine the heirs of the decedent.

Without legal title, the owner cannot use the property as collateral for a loan or qualify for most government assistance.

If it has been less than five years since the landowner’s death, it is not too late to have the estate administered to transfer legal title. If it has been more than five years, Heirs obtain legal title through a partition action in either probate or circuit court.

During this program, the speaker will explain the process for determining heirs and describe the partition process and the alternatives for heirs who have equitable title, but not legal title.

Speaker: Robert A. Tufts has been an attorney for 25 years. He also has a PhD in Forestry and a Master of Laws in tax. He taught at Auburn University for 36 years and is currently Visiting Professor in Extension.

There is no fee for this class but registration is required. To register please click the following link:


Join us on Thursday, May 5th at 7:00 pm. Once you have registered, the online link to the program will be provided to you. 

SOURCEThe Bibb Voice
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As the Bibb County Coordinator for Alabama Extension, Michelle Giddens coordinates the implementation of all Extension programs in Bibb County in many program areas. These program areas include 4-H and Youth Development, Animal Sciences, Food Safety and Quality, Forestry, Wildlife and Natural Resources, Human Nutrition, Diet and Health, Family and Child Development, Family Resource Management and Workforce Development, Commercial Horticulture, Home Grounds, Gardens and Home Pests, Farm and Agribusiness Management, and Community and Economic Development. Her experience includes with the eXtension Initiative at the University of Nebraska and with the eXtension Foundation; California State University, Fresno and Central Community College in Grand Island, NE. She currently serves on the board for Brierfield Fire and Rescue, a volunteer fire department serving Brierfield and Six Mile communities in Alabama