In a brief ceremony Tuesday, September 15 at the Sawmeal Restaurant, the Bibb County Natural Resources Council was recognized as one of three (3) county councils in Alabama to receive a 2020 Outstanding County Natural Resources Council Award.  Chilton and Chambers counties also received the same award.

Tim Albritton, USDA State Staff Forester and Alabama Natural Resources Council (ANRC) Outreach Committee Chair, and Dr. Mark Smith, W. Kelly Mosley Environmental Professor with the Auburn University School of Forestry and Wildlife Sciences, presented the award to the Council for “Improving Forest Resources Management Through Exemplary Cooperative Programs.”

Outstanding County Natural Resources Council Award Plaque presented to Bibb County Council.

Programs delivered in 2019 by the Bibb Council included a landowner tour, ForestHER workshop, invasive species control identification workshop, Forestry Awareness Week Now (FAWN) programs for Bibb County Schools, Forestry Works career fair for high school students, a Professional Log Manager (PLM) workshop, a Deer Management workshop and developing a Bibb Council logo.

In addition to the plaque awarded on September 15, the Bibb County Council will receive through the ANRC a monetary award of $1,000 from the W. Kelly Mosley Environmental Awards Program, an endowment housed at Auburn University by the School of Forestry and Wildlife Sciences.

Tim Albritton of the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) and Alabama Natural Resources Council (ANRC) holds the Outstanding County Natural Resources Council award plaque for Bibb County, flanked to his right by immediate Past Bibb Council Chair Matt Hartzell, and to his left by current Bibb Council Chair Sammy Holdsambeck and Auburn University Forestry and Wildlife Sciences W. Kelly Mosley Environmental Professor Dr. Mark Smith.

“We are extremely grateful to the ANRC and Auburn University for recognizing our efforts and coming to Bibb County to make this presentation to us,” Council Chair Sammy Holdsambeck said.

In his remarks at the Sawmeal, Albritton said the award is normally presented at the annual Alabama Landowners Conference in October.  However, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the 2020 Landowner conference was canceled and Bibb, Chilton and Chambers counties will be recognized at the 2021 Conference.

Members of the Bibb County Natural Resources Council are Chairman Holdsambeck, Vice-Chair Lynn Hamric, Secretary Rita Dunn, Treasurer Paula Fancher, Immediate Past Chair Matt Hartzell, Dustin Beaty, Steven Bowman, Roger Brothers, Chuck Byrd, Debbie Clements, Larry Ford, Douglas Fulghum, Sutton Gibbs, Brandon Johnson, Joe Mathis, Chase Moore, Mark Pentecost, Kaden Kornegay and Carl Vernon.

For more information about Bibb County Natural Resources programs, contact the Bibb County Extension Office at 205-926-4310 or the Bibb County Soil and Water Conservation District at 205-926-4360.

The Alabama Cooperative Extension System (Alabama A&M University and Auburn University) is an equal opportunity educator and employer. Everyone is welcome! Please let us know if you have accessibility needs.

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As the Bibb County Coordinator for Alabama Extension, Matthew D. Hartzell coordinates the implementation of all Extension programs in Bibb County in many program areas. These program areas include 4-H and Youth Development, Animal Sciences, Food Safety and Quality, Forestry, Wildlife and Natural Resources, Human Nutrition, Diet and Health, Family and Child Development, Family Resource Management and Workforce Development, Commercial Horticulture, Home Grounds, Gardens and Home Pests, Farm and Agribusiness Management, and Community and Economic Development. Hartzell has served in his current position for 12 years and held primary program assignments in Community and Economic Development, Human Nutrition, Diet and Health, and Forestry Wildlife and Natural Resources.