Bibb County municipalities will be busy this summer preparing for municipal elections. A Mayor must give notice of an election on July 7 and candidates may begin qualifying immediately thereafter. July 21 is the last day to qualify to run for a municipal office and election day is August 25, 2020.
The Alabama League of Municipalities has published an Election Calendar with some key deadlines for election officials. Some of the important dates that may be of interest to the public are:
August 25, 2019 First date a candidate can begin to raise money; an ordinance must be adopted establishing the use of electronic vote counters.
February 25, 2020 Last day for the council to change the salaries for officials who will be elected in August
May 25, 2020 Last day for the council to change its district lines; last day to change the location of or add voting places
July 7, 2020 Mayor gives notice of the election; candidates begin qualifying; candidates must file Statement of Economic Interest in order to appear on the ballot
July 21, 2020 Last day of qualifying
July 26, 2020 Last day to establish residency to vote in the municipal general election
August 25, 2020 Election Day
The complete calendar may be found at this link: Alabama League of Municipalities Election Calendar
Municipalities are urged to post
downloadable clearly marked
District Maps on their Town Websites.