Board of Education Hosts Chamber Coffee Event

Bibb County Chamber of Commerce Monthly Social


Superintendent Duane McGee and the Bibb County Board of Education hosted the Bibb County Chamber of Commerce and its members on Thursday, September 1, for the monthly Chamber Coffee at Board headquarters. The meeting was well attended by members and first time visitors. Chamber President Jerry Levert introduced Chamber Director Valerie Cook and Chamber Board Members & guests. Several guests talked about items of interest that are happening in the community. Mr. McGee introduced Board central office personnel and talked about programs that are happening in the school system that are new and of interest to businesses and parents in the community, such as the advanced placement biology program and the rule changes for students that rBOE1eceive home instruction. Mr. McGee also talked about the efforts that are being made to increase full-time student enrollment in the Bibb County system. The next Chamber coffee will be on October 6 and the location will be announced by the Chamber.